A personal, strict, project planner, project tracker, and productivity utility
- Project
- Blocks
- Steps
We will create a simple item completion element - each item is either complete or not and ultimatly it will roll up into a task
Examples Project
- Project Name: Praxis
- Mockup the interface (6P)
- Font selection
- List design
- Key components
- Select all the colors
- Layout the data structure (2P)
- Blocks
- Steps
- Projects
- Poms
- Build out the step component (4P)
- Add button
- Drag and drop
- Complete and delete
- Final styling
- Build out the pomodoro component (2p)
- Start
- Stop
- Rest
- five minute breaks after complete pomoros
- 30 minute break after four intervals
- Build at the workspace (block selection, step selection, pomodoro)
- Build out the project creation component