Created in Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB on the backend. Svelte, JS, HTML, CSS on the frontend. This app will help you browse trending movies and add them to your watchlist
As a user I can see all my movies (after adding at least one movie) in my watchlist. (api/movies)
As a user I can see all my favorite movies. (api/favorites)
As a user I can see all my favorite movies. (api/movies)
As a user when navigated to the home screen, it is populated with currently trending movies for me to interact with. (http://localhost:5000/)
As a user I can check off a movie if I have watched it (api/updateList/:id)
As a user I can check off a movie if I have watched it (api/updateFavList/:id)
As a user I can click on any trending movie and click by going to ADD TO WATCHLIST. This will add the following movie to my watchlist here: http://localhost:5000/watchlist. (api/addList)
As a user I can click on any trending movie and click by going to the HEART ICON. This will add the following movie to my favorites list here: http://localhost:5000/watchlist. (api/addList)
As a user I can removed a movie from my watchlist or favorites by clicking on the TRASH ICON. (api/deleteList/:id)