svelte-routing Svelte Themes

Svelte Routing

Svelte routing experiments


This is an attempt to wire together svelte and page in a way that allows for smartly nested components much like you'd get with something like abstract-state-router.

Approach Details

  1. A route that matches everything runs first and creates an array on the context object ```js page("*", ({ context, next }) => { context.components = [];

return next(); });

2. Routes after the first wildcard push a `{ component, <data> }` object onto that array
page("/route", ({ context, next }) => {
        component : /* ... */
        data      : /* ... */
    return next();
  1. There's a final wildcard route that turns the array into nested objects and sets that into the svelte app
components.reduce((prev, { component, data = {} }) => { = {
        child : component,
        // Setting page to null is important to avoid stale state
        // bugs when moving up & down the tree
        props : Object.assign(data, { page : null }),

}, props);

  1. Components that nest children then use <svelte:component this={page.child} {}> to pass along the nested component/object mixes to their children.

Nested Components via Wildcard Routes

By using nested routes with trailing wildcards you can get persistent nested UI components, with all the svelte lifecycle hooks working like you'd expect.

page("/route/*", ...);

// The component for the previous route still exists if you
// navigate from /route to /route/subroute, it isn't recreated
page("/route/subroute", ...);

You can see all of this happening within /src/routes.js.

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