
  • APPLE_API_KEY_ID: The key id of the generated Apple App Store Connect API token.
  • APPLE_API_KEY_ISSUER: The issuer id for the Apple App Store Connect user.
  • APPLE_API_KEY: The contents of the secret key that is downloaded after generating a new Apple App Store Connect API key (access: App Manager). Note that the file is only downloadable once. The file name looks like: AuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.p8
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS acccount id that has permission to upload to the S3_RELEASE_BUCKET.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The access key for the AWS account.
  • OSX_CODE_SIGN_CERT_PASSWORD: The password used to encode the Certificates.p12 file.
  • OSX_CODE_SIGN_CERT: The contents of encoded.txt after doing the following steps. Download both the "Developer ID Installer" and the "Developer ID Application" certificates from the Apple Developer Portal:
    1. Open Keychain Access and export both certificates into a single file with a strong password.
    2. Base64-encode your certificates using the following command: base64 -i Certificates.p12 -o encoded.txt
  • S3_RELEASE_BUCKET: The name of the S3 bucket to upload releases to.
  • SNAPCRAFT_TOKEN: The token generated after running: snapcraft export-login --snaps pomello --channels edge -.
  • VITE_AUTO_UPDATE_URL: The URL that electron-updater uses to check for updates.

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