tiny-11ty-starter-svelte-tailwind Svelte Themes

Tiny 11ty Starter Svelte Tailwind

Tiny Eleventy Starter with Svelte 5 and Tailwind 4 - eleventy-plugin-vite handles js and css

Tiny 11ty TailwindCSS-Svelte-Vite-Starter

A modern web development starter kit combining the power of:

  • Eleventy (11ty) for static site generation
  • Tailwind CSS for styling
  • Svelte for dynamic components
  • Vite for fast development and build optimization


  • Fast Development: Vite provides instant hot module replacement (HMR) for rapid development.
  • Static Site Generation: 11ty generates static HTML files for SEO and performance.
  • Dynamic Components: Svelte components are used for interactive elements.
  • Styling with Tailwind CSS: Easy, utility-first styling with Tailwind.
  • Alpine.js Integration: Optional Alpine.js for simple DOM interactions.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-repo/tiny-11ty-tailwind-svelte-vite-starter.git
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start Development Server:

    npm run start
  4. Build for Production:

    npm run build

Project Structure

  • 11ty: Contains all 11ty-related files.

    • _css: Global CSS styles.
    • _data: Data files for 11ty.
    • _includes: Reusable Liquid templates.
    • _js: JavaScript files, including Svelte components.
      • svelte: Svelte components and stores.
    • _layouts: Base layout for pages.
    • index.liquid, about.liquid, test.liquid: Example pages.
  • 11ty_config: Configuration for the 11ty-vite plugin.

  • eleventy.config.js: Main 11ty configuration.

  • package.json: Project dependencies and scripts.

Creating New Svelte Components

  1. Create a new Svelte file in 11ty/_js/svelte/, e.g., new-component.svelte.
  2. Add a mount point in your desired .liquid file:
    <div id="svelte-new-component"></div>
  3. Update svelte.js to include the new component:
    const COMPONENT_MAP = {
      // ...
      "svelte-new-component": () => import("./svelte/new-component.svelte"),

Persistent State with Svelte Stores

  • Use the stores.svelte.js file to create shared state stores.
  • Example usage in components:
      import { persistentCount } from './stores.svelte.js';
    <button on:click={persistentCount.increment}>
      Count: {persistentCount.count}

Cross-Page Communication

  • Svelte stores can be used to synchronize state across pages.
  • Example: Incrementing a counter on one page updates it on all pages.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests with detailed explanations of changes.


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