Starter template for teams who want to use SvelteKit and OpenAI for the next Uni Micro hackathon.
Environment variable
You'll need to create a file called .env
in the root of the project. This is where you supply your OpenAI API key.
Prefixing the variable with SECRET_
will make sure it's only available on the backend. Trying to import the variable in a piece of code that runs on the client will make SvelteKit throw a compilation error.
An example of what this file should contain is available in .env.example.
Installing dependencies
npm install
Starting the dev server
npm run dev
There are multiple good options for deploying SvelteKit apps, but Vercel is probably the easiest.
It's a zero config (except for env variables) deployment option with CI batteries included.
Set up a free account, give access to your repository, and Vercel will deploy whenever you push to the main branch.
Backend endpoints are deployed as serverless functions.