This project was initially created by Brad Traversy and is based on his svelte-feedback-app.
I took the opportunity to code and learn along his video crash course and decided to use SCSS and TypeScript instead of using plain JavaScript and CSS.
Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.
First change into the cloned directory and install the dependencies...
cd svelte-rating-app
npm install # you can also use yarn install
...then start the app:
npm run dev # or use yarn dev
Navigate to localhost:8080. You should see your app running.
By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost.
To create an optimised version of the app and create a docker image run the following command inside of the projects directory where the Dockerfile
is present:
docker build -t svelte/svelte-rating-app .
You can run the newly built app with docker after the build like this:
docker run -it --rm --name svelte -p 5000:8080 svelte/svelte-rating-app
Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running.
The container gets removed if you press Ctrl+C
in the terminal window where you started the app