
Visualise The Times Tables

Visualise the times tables. Built with Svelte Kit, deployed to both Cloudflare Workers & Pages.

Visualise the Times Tables

Just a quick project to help my son visualise the times tables.

Svelte Kit and Cloudflare

I wanted to try and deploy one static project built in Svelte Kit to both Cloudflare Workers and Pages. I was able to use the adapters built in to Svelte Kit to accomplish this with ease - and working with Cloudflare has been just as sweet.

Both builds can be found here:

How to deploy to Cloudflare Workers

To deploy to Cloudflare Workers, in package.json replace "@sveltejs/adapter-static": "next" with "@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare-workers": "next"

Now run npm install

Then, in svelte.config.cjs replace const static = require("@sveltejs/adapter-static"); with const cloudflare = require("@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare-workers"); and change adapter: static() to adapter: cloudflare()

Building for other deploys

Svelte apps are built with adapters, which optimise your project for deployment to different environments.

By default, npm run build will generate a Node app that you can run with node build. To use a different adapter, add it to the devDependencies in package.json making sure to specify the version as next and update your svelte.config.cjs to specify your chosen adapter. The following official adapters are available:

See the adapter documentation for more detail

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