sveltekit-supabase-scaffold Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Supabase Scaffold

SvelteKit + Supabase Scaffold

This is is a scaffold/template for your SvelteKit project that uses Supabase as a backend. Supabase is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service, an alternative to Firebase.

This scaffold is made to get you started quickly with your SvelteKit app that uses Supabase as a backend. Stop wasting time setting up authentication pages, profile pages and localization (soon) by using this template!

⚡️ Features

  • Uses TailwindCSS 3 for styling
  • Prettier and eslint for code formatting
  • User accounts with password-based authentication
  • Logging in and registration of new users
  • Password reset
  • User profiles with first name, last name and avatar
  • Dark mode
  • Localization out of the box (soon)
  • Welcome page and home page to start your app
  • Protected pages with built-in redirect (soon)
  • Typed functions (soon)
  • Easily deployed on Vercel and Netlify with the auto adapter

🛠 How to use

Setting up Supabase project

  1. Create a new Supabase project on

  2. Run these SQL commands to setup the database:

You can run and save these SQL scripts in the SQL editor in your Supabase project.

👤 Set up the profile table, add columns any columns you need

CREATE TABLE public.profiles (
    id uuid REFERENCES auth.users NOT NULL,
    first_name varchar(255),
    last_name varchar(255),
    avatar_url varchar(255),    
    created_at timestamp(0) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp(0) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    primary key (id)

🪣 Set up a storage bucket for the profile avatar/picture

insert into storage.buckets (id, name, public)
values ('avatars', 'avatars', true);

create policy "Anyone can upload an avatar."
  on storage.objects for insert
  with check ( bucket_id = 'avatars' );

🔒 Set up Row Level Security (RLS) for the profiles table

  public.profiles ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;

create policy "Public profiles are viewable by every authenticated user." on profiles for
  using (auth.role() = 'authenticated');

create policy "Users can insert their own profile." on profiles for
  with check (auth.uid() = id);

create policy "Users can update own profile." on profiles for
  using (auth.uid() = id);

🔁 Set up realtime

  drop publication if exists supabase_realtime;
  create publication supabase_realtime;
alter publication supabase_realtime add table profiles;
  1. Go to your project settings and add http://localhost:3000/passwordreset to the Additional Redirect URLs (change localhost:3000 with whatever domain you are going to use, localhost is just for dev)

Setup SvelteKit Project

  1. Create new project based on this template with degit:

    npx degit ThomasMol/sveltekit-supabase-scaffold sveltekit-app
  2. Run

    npm install
  3. Setup your .env file

Change the filename of .env.example to .env (or create one). In your Supabase project go to settings > API , and copy the anon public key and paste it in the .env file as the SUPABASE_ANON_KEY environment variable. Copy your Supabase URL and paste it in the .env file as well, as the SUPABASE_URL environment variable.

  1. Run your SvelteKit app
    npm run dev


(Taken from Sveltejs documentation)

To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

⚙️ Configuration

Nothing here much. Tailwind config is up to the you.

📦 Package dependencies

This scaffold depends on several third party packages:

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