
Svelte Scrollable Arrow

Svelte Scrollable Arrow effortlessly creates sleek arrows with a horizontal navigation for contents that require responsiveness.

Svelte Scrollable Arrow

Svelte Scrollable Arrow

version version

Svelte Scrollable Arrow effortlessly creates a horizontal navigation with sleek arrows for contents that require responsiveness. It aims to keep every child element as it is while wrapping with a scrollable container and a navigation.

Problem It Solves

Images, menus, and buttons can get unmanageable, requiring one to write a separate grid, list, or menus for wider and smaller devices. It solves this issue. You can still stuff all the menus or images in one line by making them scrollable.


This component works seamlessly on any device, including mobile, tablet, or desktop. It efficiently handles various scroll triggers, thanks to its utilization of the scroll event,

  • Mouse wheels ✨
  • Keyboard arrow events ✨ (Only if mouse is over the container to prevent every instance from listening to this event)
  • Built-in arrows (←/→) ✨
  • Touchevents ✨
  • Version 1.1.0 now supports the drag event on Desktop.

And of course, this component is type-safe.

Use Cases

Basically, everywhere. It works like SwiftUI's ScrollView except that it comes with an arrow navigation, which can be hidden with an option. Cards, images, menus, buttons, links, or even album covers and tags. For most cases, it just makes you forget how the web should be designed in terms of responsiveness.

On the version [1.2.0], there was a new event added reachNearEnd. This opens the door for the horizontal endless scrolling.


Svelte Scrollable Arrow

Try on a website✨ (Click the search input).

Mobile Preview

Svelte Scrollable Arrow


Automatically hides/shows arrows depending on the container size.


npm install svelte-scrollable-arrow
import { ScrollableArrow, ScrollableArrowItem } from 'svelte-scrollable-arrow';

Usage guide

All you have to do is to wrap each of your images, buttons or texts with <ScrollableArrowItem></ScrollableArrowItem> inside the <ScrollableArrow></ScrollableArrow> container. Items can be multiple. You can use the loop {#each}{/each} block and it may be wise to assign a key for each item.

    import { ScrollableArrow, ScrollableArrowItem } from 'svelte-scrollable-arrow';

            <!-- item -->
            <!-- item -->
            <!-- item -->
            <!-- item -->

Props for Container (ScrollableArrow)

Prop Type Default Description
justifyContent "start"⎮"end"⎮"flex-start"⎮"flex-end"⎮"center"⎮"left"⎮"right"⎮"normal"⎮"space-between"⎮"space-around"⎮"space-evenly"⎮"stretch "start" Basically the same as justify-content. Sets how the items are aligned horizontally.
alignItems "normal"⎮ "flex-start"⎮"flex-end"⎮"center"⎮"start"⎮"end"⎮"self-start"⎮"self-end"⎮"baseline"⎮"first baseline"⎮"last baseline"⎮"stretch"⎮"safe"⎮"unsafe" "center" Basically same as align-items. Sets how the items are aligned vertically.
arrowShadow boolean true Enables the shadow behind each arrow. If disabled, ShadowColor has no effect.
arrowShadowColor string "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)" Only accepts a RGBA color for the shadow behind each arrow.
arrow boolean true Show the arrow on and off
arrowColor string "#ffffff" Hex Color for the arrow
arrowSize number 18 Size of each arrow (px)
arrowPosition "top" ⎮ "center" ⎮ "bottom" ⎮ "outside-top-left" ⎮ "outside-top-right" ⎮ "outside-top-center" ⎮ "outside-top-space-between" "center" The position for each arrow.
threshold number 0 The number of the scroll value required to move through container. If left unset, the default is set to 1/3 of the container's width.
showArrowByDefault boolean true Shows the right arrow button on load, and it remains if the container has overflowing contents, and gets removed if it doesn't.
id string "" ID for container.
class string "" Container classes
style string "" Container styles

Props for Item (ScrollableArrow)

Prop Type Default Description
id string "" ID for the item.
class string "" Item classes
style string "" Item styles

Event for Container (ScrollableArrow)

Prop Type Description
load CustomEvent Fires when the component is mounted.
scroll CustomEvent Fires when the scroll event in the container is fired. This also fires when a user scrolls through the container without clicking the arrow. (Keyboard arrows, touch gestures, and mouse wheels.)
scrollStart CustomEvent Fires once when the scroll event is fired. This is different from scroll as scroll fires on scroll.
scrollEnd CustomEvent Fires 30ms after the scroll event ends.
reachedEnd CustomEvent Fires when the scroller reached at the end.
reachedNearEnd CustomEvent Fires when there's only one arrow left to go.
mouseenter CustomEvent Fires when the mouse enters the container
mouseleave CustomEvent Fires when the mouse leaves the container
dragStart CustomEvent Fires when touchEvent and dragEvent are triggered.
dragEnd CustomEvent Fires when touchEvent and dragEvent ended.
next CustomEvent Fires when the next arrow is fired. (Can be triggered with a keyboard arrow →.)
prev CustomEvent Fires when the prev arrow is fired. (Can be triggered with a keyboard arrow ←.)
nav CustomEvent Fires when either arrow is fired. (Can be triggered with keyboard arrows ←/→.)

Event for Item (ScrollableArrowItem)

The event in ScrollableArrowItem is limited to two events visible and invisible. It doesn't handle any other event. You may consider adding the event to your item container, not this component.

Prop Type Description
visible CustomEvent Fires when the item is visible
invisible CustomEvent Fires when the item is not visible

Note about the showArrowByDefault option.

This option is enabled by default. If you see the right arrow button showing up and disappearing immediately after, it means there are not enough scrollable contents. As it relies on the onMount lifecycle, this flickering is inevitable. You can disable it (not completely, but only when there are not enough contents to scroll) with this option. The recommended way is to make it true for smaller window sizes such as mobile, or tablets, and false for the wider views such as desktop.

Limitations & Things to do

  1. The component does not support custom arrow images, even though you can change the color & size.
  2. You should wrap each item by <ScrollableArrowItem/> to make it work and be able to use the API of the component.
  3. The layout may break if the items in the content don't have a fixed size (either width or height)
  4. On Firefox, the Smooth Scrolling option may be turned off if you see the scrolling instantly move to another position. This can be fixed in about:preferences. On the Browsers tab, enable Smooth Scrolling.
  5. We advise to refrain from using window.location.href or goto as this may be triggered while a user drags the scrollview container.

Version Change LOG

[1.1.0] Moved to 1.1.0 as there was a new drag event added for desktop.
[1.2.0] Added new events dragEnd, dragStart, reachNearEnd, load. Removed the scrollbar on Safari, Firefox, iPhone Safari, and Edge.
[1.2.4] Ghosting issue has been resolved. Images, and links do not create ghosting anymore. See more details in New options for arrowPositions are added.
[1.2.8] Change the bug where the link inside the item doesn't get triggered.
[1.3.2] Improvement to drag event

The new outside-top-right arrowPosition option on v1.2.4 preview. (It comes with 4 new styles.) 👇

Svelte Scrollable Arrow Preview


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