svelte-heart Svelte Themes

Svelte Heart

A heart icon component that listens to the like with an animation.

Svelte Heart

A simple SVG icon that comes with an animation on the fly. Add a cool additive to the like buttons on your Svelte app.

How it works

Svelte Heart is basically an SVG icon component with the keyframe animation built in. This works by binding your like variable to bind:value. It detects the change, and triggers the heart animation when it changes to true.


Heart Star Thumb
Svelte Heart Heart Animation
Svelte Heart Star Animation
Svelte Heart Thumb Animation


npm install svelte-heart


import { SvelteHeart } from 'svelte-heart'
let like = false
const likeEvent = () => { //this is where you set up an ajax call.
    like = like ? false : true
<button on:click="{likeEvent}">
    <SvelteHeart bind:value="{like}"/>


Prop Type Default Description
value boolean false The component listens to the change of value. When it changes to true, the animation triggers.
colorLiked string "#da3a09" The color when value is set to true
colorUnliked string "#222" The color when value is set to false
symbol "heart" ⎮ "star" ⎮ "thumb" "heart" Accepts one out of three icon types. (heart, star, thumb)
size number 20 This sets the size of the symbol as well as those in the animation.


There is no event dispatched from this component as its sole purpose is just an icon with an animation.


LIL License.

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