A very thin wrapper for beautiful gradient coloring made using d3-interpolate
- div or spancolors
- An array of color pairs, [ [color1, color2], ... ]duration?
- Duration of the color loop , default 1000
- An easing function, default linear
- An interpolate function, see below for interpolate function typed3-interpolate
and it is the interpolateRgbBasis()
functiontype InterpolateFunction = (a: string, b: string) => (t: number) => string;
<script lang='ts'>
import {Gradient} from '@theofficialurban/svelte-gradience'
<!-- Using Tailwind , Variable can be accessed -->
<!-- Color is automatically provided as variables -->
<!-- Pair #1 = --one | Pair #2 = --two etc -->
<Gradient class={`bg-[var(--one)]`} colors={[ ["red", "blue"] ]} let:colors>
Hello World!
class Gradience
The Gradience Class allows you to create beautiful Gradients and interpolate colors easily
- Returns the colors as the RGB color string ('#FFFFFF')Gradience.asBackgroundColors()
- Returns the colors as CSS background-color
strings "background-color: color;"Gradience.asVariables()
- Returns the colors as a single CSS variable string "--one: colorOne; --two: colorTwo; ...."Gradience.asRawColors()
Returns an array:
Returns an array:
"background-color: colorOne;",
"background-color: colorTwo;",
Returns an single string:
--one: colorOne; --two: colorTwo; ....
<script lang="ts">
import Gradience from '@theofficialurban/svelte-gradience';
const myColors = [
// Pair #1, will interpolate between red and blue
['red', 'blue']
// Second Argument is Svelte Tweened Options /w Interpolater, leave blank for default
const gradience = new Gradience(myColors, { duration: 1000 });
const tweens = gradience.asRawColors();
const colorOne = $tweens[0]; // First tween corresponds to first set of colors
// If you want the colors as a `background-color: color;` string
const tweens = gradience.asBackgroundColors();
console.log($tweens[0]); // "background-color: colorOne;"
// As a single CSS variable string
const tweens = gradience.asVariables();
console.log($tweens); // '--one: colorOne; .....'
<!-- Using a single color -->
<!-- asBackgroundColors() -->
<div style={`${$tweens[0]} width: 200px; height: 200px`} />
<!-- Using asVariables() for a single string that declares variables -->
<div style={`${$tweens} width: 200px; height: 200px`} />