This repo is originally created from
Code and Life blog post
This repository contains sample code to create a simple
script that you can include in any web page
that will render the Embed.svelte
component just before
that script.
npm install
so we can use rollup commandlocally
npm install rollup --save-dev
npm i rollup-plugin-terser --save-dev
see if we can get html page outputting here in dev mode - for fast development
basically configure like a regular svelte/rollup app but have output happen in the same way as this original example
Can component use other components?
Can component use Store?
Can component have sass/css applied within app?
Can component use scoped variables?
Have a button pop open a modal to create a new item
Have component accept a param, like an ID, to open modal and fetch api data for initializing/editing - or we would query this first on parent and get the info and pass it in as props, perhaps the whole object?
Can test browser query params and see if it recognizes what is in url of parent (or can it accept an ID or props somehow.
It can accept props in the script, perhaps we can set localStorage or qs first and have the script read it and pass in as a prop. Not sure though if that js file gets built and does not run dynamically on request - TEST THIS
Can it send/emit an event to the parent when something completes? Perhaps we can pass in a callback fn as a prop, that it calls if something happens