go-gin-sveltekit-jwt-cookie-example Svelte Themes

Go Gin Sveltekit Jwt Cookie Example

An example of how to use JWT authentication with Go Gin and SvelteKit using cookies(*inside SvelteKit*)

Go Gin + SvelteKit - JWT Authentication Example using Cookies

An example of how to use JWT authentication with Go Gin and SvelteKit using cookies. The server returns the jwt token in response body and inside SvelteKit we store it in a cookie. The cookie is sent with every request to the server(SvelteKit) when using SSR.


Install dependencies

# Installing the node dependencies for the frontend
make install_frontend

# Installing the go dependencies for the server
make install_server

Start the server

make server

Start the client

make frontend


Route Method Request Body Description
/auth/login POST email + password Login route, returns a jwt token + message
/auth/signup POST email + password Signup route, returns a jwt token + message
/user/get-my-id GET none Returns the id of the user, needs Authorization header with the jwt token

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