turbo-wunder-svelte Svelte Themes

Turbo Wunder Svelte

Boilerplate with Turborepo, Wundergraph, SvelteKit, and more

Turborepo, SvelteKit, Wundergraph, and more

Forked from the official Svelte starter with Turborepo.

This is a boilerplate that aims to help you get all the following technologies working together nicely.

Getting started locally

  1. Install Docker Desktop
  2. Install Volta
  3. Check node version matches package.json with node -v
    • If this is not working, try restarting your terminal instance
  4. Install packages npm install
  5. Configure env vars
    • Copy /example.db.env to /db.env
    • Copy /packages/db/example.env to /packages/db/.env
  6. Launch local Postgres database npm run db:up
  7. Run generators for Wundergraph and Prisma npm run generate
  8. Apply current database structure npm run db:push
  9. Seed data npm run db:seed
  10. Run project npm run dev

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