Svelte + Vite to CloudRun + CloudBuild
This is an example Svelte application that demonstrates how to deploy a container to GCP Cloud Run using Cloud Build.
On repository
- Create a new svelte app and push to your repository.
- Add a Dockerfile to define config of your container image.
- Add a 'cloudbuild.yaml' file to define the steps for building and deploying a application to cloudrun.
Your 'cloudbuild.yaml' file should contain the following sections:
- Build the container image.
- Push the container image to the Container Registry.
- Deploy the container image to Cloud Run
Setting up GCP Cloud Build
- Goto Cloud Build console and connect your repository to Cloud Build
- Create a new trigger for your repository. To do this, select the "Triggers" tab and click on the "Create Trigger" button. In the trigger configuration settings, specify the following:
- Repository source: Select the repository you want to build from the dropdown menu.
- Branch name: Specify the name of the branch you want to trigger builds for. You can also specify a regular expression to match multiple branches.
- Set the configuration type: You can do this by selecting the "Cloud Build configuration file" option and specifying the location of your configuration file, such as a cloudbuild.yaml or cloudbuild.json file.
- Add any necessary substitution variables to your trigger settings. In example need to add variable name "_SERVICE_NAME"
- Save and create the triger.
Setting up GCP IAM
- Navigate to the IAM section
- Click on the "Edit" button next to the principal name for your default Cloud Build service account. The principal name should be in the format ''
- Assign Cloud Build Service Account, Cloud Run Admin, Cloud Run Service Agent to roles.
Back to Clound Build and Try to "Run Trigger" to initiate a new build. If the build is successful, Cloud Build will push your container image to Container Registry and deploy it to Cloud Run.