Typescript FiveM Resource Template

This is a simple TypeScript template designed for creating FiveM game resources, featuring esbuild for efficient compilation.

It allows you to structure your codebase into client, server, and common modules, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and reusability.


  • Speedy compilation with esbuild. A '.yarn.installed' file is generated to ensure FXServer won't attempt to rebuild during start-up.
  • Automatic build on file changes on dev mode (still requires module to be restarted).
  • Automatic fxmanifest.lua file generation during build by leveraging the fxmanifest.json and package.json files.
  • Logger helper class with different log levels for dev/prod environments (set 'env' metadata on fxmanifest.json).


Ensure you have at least Node v16.9.1 installed. LTS version is recommended.

It is also recommended to install pnpm over npm or yarn, but feel free to make usage of any package manager of personal preference.

npm install -g pnpm

When using pnpm, files inside node_modules are cloned or hard linked from a single content-addressable storage, which makes it very efficient when managing resources that make use of the same dependencies.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/tfxhub/ts-fivem-template.git
    cd ts-fivem-template
  2. Install dependencies:
    pnpm i
  3. Run dev or build to generate files:
    pnpm dev
    // or
    pnpm build


  • Development: Run pnpm dev to start the development build with watch mode (automatic build on file changes).
  • Production Build: Run pnpm build to compile your resources for production use, optimizing for performance.
  • Type Generation: Run pnpm types to generate TS declaration files (.d.ts) inside ./types directory.
  • Clearing Build Files: Use pnpm clear to remove all generated files, keeping your workspace clean when necessary.

Directory Structure

  • src/client: Client-side scripts with access to @citizenfx/client types.
  • src/server: Server-side scripts with access to @citizenfx/server types.
  • src/common: Common scripts that can be used on both client and server.
  • bin: Contains scripts for managing build process and types generation.


Contributions are welcome! If you have a feature request, bug report, or a pull request, please feel free to contribute.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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