svelte-icons Svelte Themes

Svelte Icons

A slim wrapper around numerous populare svg icons for Svelte 5


A slim wrapper around numerous populare svg icons for Svelte 5.


yarn add @teleology/svelte-icons


Packs are split into separate paths. Valid icon names should be exposed as a union of known keys. For larger packs this might take some time for your IDE to load and suggest.

import { Feather } from '@teleology/svelte-icons/fi';

<Feather icon="x" stroke="blue"/>

Icon Props

Any prop an svg can take is accepted outside of width and height.

import type { SVGAttributes } from "svelte/elements";
interface Props extends SVGAttributes<any> {
  title?: string
  size?: string
  icon: string


Name Path License Version Count
AntDesign ai MIT 4.4.2 832
Bootstrap bs MIT 1.11.3 2052
Boxicons bx (CC-BY-4.0 OR OFL-1.1 OR MIT) 2.1.4 815
CSSGG cg MIT 2.1.4 705
Circum co MPL-2.0 license 1.0.0 289
DevIcons di MIT 1.8.0 193
Feather fi MIT 4.29.2 288
FontAwesome fa CC BY 4.0 License 6.x 164
GameIcons gi CC BY 3.0 12920d6565588f0512542a3cb0cdfd36a497f910 4041
HeroIcons hi MIT 2.2.0 649
Ionicons io MIT 7.4.0 1357
Lucide lu ISC 0.471.1 1547
Octicons go MIT 19.14.0 646
Phospor ph MIT 2.1.1 9111
SimpleIcons si CC0-1.0 14.2.0 3256
Tabler ta MIT 3.28.1 5827
Typicons ti (CC-BY-SA and SIL) 2.1.2 337
VSCode vsc CC-BY-4.0 0.0.36 470
WeatherIcons wi MIT 2.0.12 220

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