pure | 📦 code style | standard


This is a pico-stack project template containing a minimal 'todo'-app using svelte as template engine.

(You can hack it to use any other framework/template engine if you want, svelte was just what i had lying around.)


Getting started

Create your project if you already haven't

npx degit telamon/pico-template my-project

Then start the local dev-server

yarn dev

and navigate to https://localhost:5000

Other included scripts:

yarn dev    # Starts local dev-server
yarn test   # Blockend dev: runs unit tests
yarn debug  # Blockend dev: debugs unit tests
yarn build  # Builds production webapp
yarn sinal  # Starts a local swarm singaling server
yarn surge  # Publishes your app to surge.sh


|  __ \   Help Wanted!     | | | |         | |
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| |  | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __| |    / _` | '_ \/ __| / __|/ _ \
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If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.

Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time.

 |                                                 |
 |  - Open an issue if you have questions!         |
 |  - Star this repo if you found it interesting   |
 |  - Fork off & help document <3                  |
 |  - Say Hi! :)  https://discord.gg/8RMRUPZ9RS    |



2022 🄯 Tony Ivanov

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