Personal influence DNA project for webdev study.
Releases should goto:
The initial version was a forced insertion of the Parallax Depth Cards with Vue.js to a basic HTML/CSS/JS site.
That site was then re-implemented to ReactJS for learning React/Redux.
It was then moved back to a full VueJS/Vuex CLI 2 stable setup for comparion with React. This was very shortly moved to VueJS/Vuex CLI 3 beta for kicks! :)
This project... I'll call a 3rd iteration to get my feet wet on Svelte! (^u^)
Just playing around to study web development. You'll find the code can get dirty... that's 'coz I'll be tryin' stuff out! It'll get messy, mistakes will be made made, then we figure it out, clean it up, and hopefully we'll end up learning something! (^u^)
We start with a blank Svelte template via "npx degit sveltejs/template [my-project]" as per The easiest way to get started with Svelte.