Advanced Svelte Workshop: Building a real-world app in Svelte and SvelteKit.

A step-by-step workshop to build a photo album in SvelteKit, all while learning Svelte and SvelteKit fundamentals.

Pre-Workshop Instructions

In order to maximize our time during the workshop, please complete the following tasks in advance:

  • Set up the project (follow the setup instructions below)
  • Install and run Zoom on the computer you'll be developing with
  • Set up dual monitors for live coding, if possible
  • Install a code editor, such as Visual Studio Code
  • Brush up on modern features, if they are unfamiliar to you
  • Have experience building websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript DOM APIs

The more prepared you are for the workshop, the better it will go for you! 👍

System Requirements

All of these must also be available in your PATH in order to be run globally. To verify things are set up properly, run:

git --version
node --version
pnpm --version

If you have a lower version of node installed, and do not wish to upgrade your node version, you can install nvm to manage multiple versions of node.

If you have trouble with any of these, learn more about the PATH environment variable and how to fix it here for Windows or Mac/Linux.

Code Editor

The recommended code editor is Visual Studio Code.

To make sure you have the best development experience, do install:

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