svelte-chrome-extension-template Svelte Themes

Svelte Chrome Extension Template

Chrome Extension Template (Svelte + Tailwind)

Get started

  1. run npm install -g rollup or sudo npm install -g rollup
  2. run npm install -g sirv-cli or sudo npm install -g sirv-cli
  3. run npm i
  4. run npm run dev to see realtime change (compile files at /public)
  5. run npm run build for production (To reduce the extension's size, the source map file is not generated by default.)
  6. load unpacked files under /public on developer mode to test your extension

Main features

  1. Edit manifest file at /src/manifest.json (reflect it at /public/manifest.json)
  2. Edit icons images at /src/icons (reflect it at /public/icons)
  3. Edit chrome.i18 messages at /src/_locales (reflect it at /public/_locales)
  4. Edit content at /src/content.ts (reflect it at /public/build/content.js)
  5. Edit background at /src/background.ts (reflect it at /public/build/background.js)

Typescript Support

use <script lang="ts"> to use typescript in svelte

Tailwind Support

Use <style lang="postcss"> to take full advantage.

MIT License

You are free to use this for your commercial projects!

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