
Svelte is a fascinating JS Component Web Framework! It feels so natural and has a rich developer Experience! yes that's also a pun as the Creator's name is Rich Harris. Its a truly elegant way to write cybernetically enhanced web applications! I love it! Naturally, when someone learns something they create projects, Here are some of the smaller projects that are good but not worthy of having their own repo! Ive given them a name too! They are Svelte Miniprojects!


This Project is just a Svelte Helloworld

Svelte Todo

This is a simple Todo list application built using Svelte and has a really nice look along with a nice deeporange color scheme! It currenly does not use firebase or anything like that but its fairly easy to set up and i will do that in the future!

Multiple Remover

This was a fun project. Didnt really care about the UI much but basically, it allows you to have a range all the numbers upto a certain end number and then you can click on a certain number-tile to eliminate all of its multiples! Its fun (for a while atleast....xD)

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