
Ui And Svelt Demo

Demo of Front End skills, an on boarding and splash screen with Svelte, CSS3

Smart Access Technical Assessment

Demo of Project


You are required to develop a simple onboarding screen flow; one being the slider with three slider options. Once the user clicks finish, the screen fades, or slides away to reveal the welcome page that instructs them to tap a tag. Each of the onboarding screens should be its own component, where you use events or some kind of pubsub architecture to communicate between the two screens. (This is not a page navigation, rather a state change/component transition).

All the assets required can be found linked to this email. Included below are sketch(or image files if you don't have sketch) and a zip file of assets.

The Challenge

  • The result (not including images) to be no more than 50 kb. (hint: there is a tiny swipe library available online that is 2kb)
  • Use a bundler (webpack, rollup) to bundle the code via npm run build command for a packaged dist folder
  • This should work on mobile view. No need to make work for desktop.
  • Make sure to use latest css3 (sass, preferably) and an autoprefixer for browser compatibility.
  • Use babel to compile production code down to es2015 script for back browser compatibility
  • Skip button should then to go main white screen.
  • Only tapping reader will bring up the reader
  • Clicking about smart access should slide up and show an iframe with smartaccess.io inside Bonus Points if Svelte is used to build out components. Not required tho.

Getting Started

Install the dependencies...

cd svelte-app
npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

Building production mode

To create an optimized version of the app:

npm run build

You can run the newly built app with npm run start


I’ve chosen to do the assignment with Svelte. I had been reading about it before the assignment and I thought it was a good time to try it out. I’m particularly happy with how some of the UI components turned out. I specifically like how I was able to keep the Slider and BottomOverlay component as generic, reusable components. As per the email I designed this for a mobile environment. I just used Chrome's device toolbar to toggle a mobile resolution when developing.

I started with this template.

The email said, "Only tapping reader will bring up the reader", but the design has a button to show reader. So I made both show the reader. This project is lacking tests. Since this is a new framework to me and wasn’t logic heavy I decided to forgo them. If this was on the job I would try and include some, especially for my generic UI components.

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