DEPRECATED — As of Svelte v3, transitions are built into the main package


Slide transition plugin for Svelte. Demo

Note that this transition will behave oddly with display: inline elements.


Recommended usage is via svelte-transitions, but you can use this module directly if you prefer. Note that it assumes an ES module or CommonJS environment.

Install with npm or yarn:

npm install --save svelte-transitions-slide

Then add the plugin to your Svelte component's exported definition:

  <input type='checkbox' bind:checked='visible'> visible

{#if visible}
  <!-- use `in`, `out`, or `transition` (bidirectional) -->
  <div transition:slide>hello!</div>

  import slide from 'svelte-transitions-slide';

  export default {
    transitions: { slide }


You can specify delay and duration parameters, which default to 0 and 400 respectively, and a custom easing function (which should live on your helpers):

<div in:fade='{duration: 1000, easing: quintInOut}'>
  slides in slowly

  import slide from 'svelte-transitions-slide';
  import { quintInOut } from 'eases-jsnext';

  export default {
    helpers: { quintInOut },
    transitions: { slide }



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