svelte-youtube Svelte Themes

Svelte Youtube

Youtube Component for Svelte 3


This Component allows you to add Youtube-Videos to your Svelte Project

The orginal Component template comes from HERE The Youtube stuff comes from HERE

How to use it ?


npm install --save-dev @sveltecasts/[email protected]

And in your Source Code under Script:

import Youtube from "@sveltecasts/svelte-youtube";

<Youtube videoId="..." />


Here is a youtube video about this component:


0.0.5 Fixed some errors when YT-Component gets destroyed and re-initialized, the problem was that YT replaced my div with an iframe and then on the component-destroy Svelte searches for an inexistent div ¯_(ツ)_/¯ , an other problem was that the YouTubeIframeAPIReady only get called once when the first YT-Component is used, so when we recreate a Player the 'new YT.Player' function got never called 0.0.4 Update svelte version 0.0.2 Changed descripton 0.0.1 Init

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