
A simple rule-based approach to tracking element viewability.

This provides the ability to define multiple viewability rules with callbacks for a single element. This comes in handy for instrumentation (specifically dwell time), ad tracking and beaconing, lazy-loading content or images, or doing fancy things at various trigger points.

If you're simply looking for a Svelte flavor of IntersectionObserver visit svelte-intersection-observer.

Try it in the Svelte REPL.


# npm
> npm install @svelte-plugins/viewable

# pnpm
> pnpm install @svelte-plugins/viewable

# yarn
> yarn add @svelte-plugins/viewable


  import { Viewable } from "@svelte-plugins/viewable";

  const immediately = (definition) => {
    console.log('element has crossed the viewport');

  const dwell = ({ percentage, duration }) => {
    console.log(`${percentage}% of the element was visible for at least ${duration} consecutive seconds.`);

  const rules = {
    // do something when the element enters the viewport
    immediately: { duration: 0, percentage: 0, fn: immediately },
    // do something when 50% of the element is visible for 4.5 seconds (consecutively)
    dwell: { duration: 4.5, percentage: 50, fn: dwell },

  let element;

<Viewable {rules} {element}>
  <div bind:this={element}>Hello World</div>

Try the basic example in Svelte REPL.



Prop name Description Value
element Element to observe HTMLElement
rules Viewability rules object (default: null)
intervalRate Rate to check measurement while intersecting (ms) number (default: 200)
gridSize Size of the obstruction grid number (default: 20)
detectObstructions If true, obstructions impacting the observed elements view will be a factor during measurement boolean (default: false)
root Containing element null or HTMLElement (default: null)
rootMargin Margin offset of the containing element string (default: "0px")
intersecting true if the observed element is intersecting boolean (default: false)
observer IntersectionObserver instance IntersectionObserver
entry IntersectionObserver Entry IntersectionObserverEntry
debug If true, debug ouput will be logged to console boolean (default: false)


Prop name Description Value
duration Consecutive time (seconds) that the element must be in view number (default: 0)
percentage Percentage of the element that must be viewable number (default: 0)
repeat If true, the rule will be applied indefinitely v once function (default: null)
fn Callback function to execute when rule has been met function (default: null)
const rules = {
  dwell: {
    duration: 1,
    percentage: 50,
    fn: () => {
      console.log('50% of the element was visible for at least 1 consecutive second.');

Debug props

The properties below can be used to assist with debugging any issues you might have (ex: bind:duration, bind:percent, etc.)

Prop name Description Value
duration Viewable duration of the tracked element number (default: 0)
percent Percentage of total viewable area (X+Y) number (default: 0)
percentX Percentage of horizontal viewable area number (default: 0)
percentY Percentage of vertical viewable area number (default: 0)
entry IntersectionObserver Entry object (default: null)
observer IntersectionObserver object (default: null)


  • on:observe: Fired when an intersection change occurs (type IntersectionObserverEntry)
  • on:intersect: Fired when an intersection change occurs and the element is intersecting (type IntersectionObserverEntry)
  • on:complete: Fired when all rules have been executed


Read the Contributions for instructions on how to setup your development environment.


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