

A @wagmi/core wrapper built for Svelte that provides helpful store and utility functions.


A @wagmi/core wrapper built for Svelte that provides helpful store and utility functions.

Reactive stores to access useful connected wallet data.

import { connect, disconnect, account, network, contract } from "sveeeth";
import { Metamask, Walletconnect, ... } from "sveeeth/connectors";
import { mainnet, goerli, ... } from "sveeeth/chains";

For examples and code snippets, check out the example project.


Install sveeeth and its @wagmi/core dependency.

yarn add sveeeth @wagmi/core

npm install sveeeth @wagmi/core

🚗 Roadmap

  • connect: Connect to wallet
  • disconnect: Disconnect from wallet
  • switchNetwork: Switch network
  • account: The connected account details
  • network: The connected network details
  • contract: Create a contract instance
    • Allow ENS to be passed in place of address
    • Read/write function calls
    • Listen for events
    • Automatic transaction simulation
  • chains: re-exports everything from wagmi/core
  • connectors: re-exports everything from wagmi/core
  • ens: adding ens fetching and support
    • Add edge case support for functions where the ENS should be sent raw (unfetched)
    • Reactive fetching of connected account ens data
  • multicall: Add multicall support
  • signing: Add message signing
    • Support for signing typed data

📕 Docs


connect(args: ConnectArgs)

Connect to wallet, Accepts connector argument which is a Connector type which could be MetaMask, WalletConnect, Safe etc.

  import { connect } from "sveeeth";
  import { InjectedConnector } from "sveeeth/connectors";
<button on:click={() => connect({ connector: new InjectedConnector() })}>Connect</button>


  import { disconnect } from "sveeeth";
<button on:click={() => connect({ connector: Metamask })}>Connect</button>

contract({ address: Address, abi: Abi })

The contract function returns a store representing the state and the contract functions

  import { contract, account } from "sveeeth";
  import { daiAddress, daiAbi } from "...";

  $: dai = contract(daiAddress, daiAbi);
  $: balance = dai.balanceOf($account.address);
  $: console.log($dai.isLoading);

An ENS name can be passed to a function in place of an address and it will be automatically fetched before the function is called.

  // instead of this
  const balance = dai.balanceOf("0x360EF498A774998900da14E81b86E9200A400ecf");
  // we can do this
  const balance = dai.balanceOf("bbque.eth");

switchNetwork({ chain: Chain })

Switch to the specified network.

Global stores


Account store that returns an object with the account details. Object contains:

{ address: Address, isConnected: boolean, isDisconnected: boolean, isConnecting: boolean, connector: Connector }

  import { account, connect } from "sveeeth";

{#if $account.isConnected}
  <p>Account: $account.address</p>
  <button on:click={() => connect({ connector })}>Connect</button>


Store that has the network details in it.

  import { network } from "sveeeth";
  $: ({ chain, chains } = $network);

Utility stores


Signer store that can be used to sign messages with the connected account. Object contains:

{ data: string | null, error: any, isLoading: boolean }

  import { createSigner } from "sveeeth";
  const signer = createSigner();
  const signMessage = async () => {
    await signer.sign({ message: "test message" });

{#if $signer.isLoading}
{:else if $}
  <p>Signed data: {$}</p>
  <button on:click={signMessage}>Sign</button>


Q) Is it pronounced Sveeeth or Sveeth?

A) Yes.

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