
Svelte Bulma Tag Input

A rich addon for create input tags

Svelte tags input using Bulma

A rich component for input tags with help of Bulma css


npm install svelte-bulma-tag-input --save
import Tags from "svelte-bulma-tag-input";

<Tags bind:tags maxTags={5} />
@import "<PATH>/node_modules/svelte-bulma-tag-input/src/scss/styles";


Option Type Default Description
addKeys Array ENTER 13 Set which keys add new values
removeKeys Array BACKSPACE 8 Set which keys remove new values
maxTags Number 5 Set maximum number of tags
disabled Boolean false Disable input
hasError Boolean false Set input error state
allowDuplicates Boolean false Set the entered tags to be duplicatable
tagColor String primary Set the tag color
tagSize String normal Set the tag size
inputSize String normal Set the input field size
placeholder String null Set a placeholder
on:change Function undefined To get the event fire from the tag change
A complete list of key codes


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


Suneesh S K


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