
Strib Svelte Vite Template

New (as of late 2022) template for svelte projects

Star Tribune Svelte + Vite Template

This is a template for building Svelte apps at the Star Tribune. It's intended to replace the old svelte+webpack template.

Starting a project

To start a new project based on this template, run

npx degit striblab/strib-svelte-vite-template#main name-of-your-new-project
cd name-of-your-new-project
npm install


To run the dev server run npm run dev.

To build for deployment, run npm run build.

Strib webfonts

The licenses for webfonts used by the Star Tribune stipulate the fonts can only be served from URLs, meaning they are blocked from localhost while you are developing. To get around this, run the shell script npm run get-fonts to download .woff font files directly to the /public/strib-webfonts/ directory. The local webfonts themselves and the webfont SCSS file that references them are excluded from build and deploy processes. If deployed to, Star Tribune webfonts will render as they normally should without the need for local font files.


Deployment is currently handled by a shell script ( You need to have the AWS CLI installed with credentials for the bucket using the 'default' profile.

To deploy to staging, run npm run deploy-staging. For production, run npm run deploy-production. This will upload to a typical path using your project's name, which is read from the root directory of your project (where package.json is located).

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