Zero Svelte

Zero is the local first platform for building incedible, super fast apps.

To use Zero Svelte, you need to follow the Zero docs to get started.

Watch this Zero Sync Makes Local First Easy


  1. Follow ZERO DOCS to get started with Zero
  2. Install npm install zero-svelte
  3. Usage

lib/z.svelte.ts (or whatever you'd like to name)

// Schema is imported from wherever your Schema type lives.
// via export type Schema = typeof schema;

export const z = new Z()<Schema> {
        server: PUBLIC_SERVER,
        userID: 'anon'
<script lang="ts">
    import { PUBLIC_SERVER } from '$env/static/public';
    import { Query } from 'zero-svelte';
    import { Z } from '$lib/z.svelte';
    import { schema, type Schema } from '../zero-schema.js';

    const todos = new Query(z.current.query.todo);

    const randID = () => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);

    function onsubmit(event: Event) {
        const formData = new FormData( as HTMLFormElement);
        const newTodo = formData.get('newTodo') as string;
        const id = randID();
        if (newTodo) {
            z.current.mutate.todo.insert({ id, title: newTodo, completed: false });
            ( as HTMLFormElement).reset();

    function toggleTodo(event: Event) {
        const checkbox = as HTMLInputElement;
        const id = checkbox.value;
        const completed = checkbox.checked;
        z.current.mutate.todo.update({ id, completed });

    <form {onsubmit}>
        <input type="text" id="newTodo" name="newTodo" />
        <button type="submit">Add</button>
        {#each todos.current as todo}

"todos" here is now reactive and will stay in sync with the persistant db and local data.

Mutations & queries are done with just standard Zero.

z.current.mutate.todo.update({ id, completed });

See demo for real working code.

See Zero docs for more info.

Listen to Syntax for tasty web development treats.

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