CF Svelte Drizzle starter

Getting started

Find and replace cf-sveltekit-drizzle and with the name of your pages project.

Create a database

pnpm dlx wrangler d1 create my-database

Bind to your D1 database

Copy the lines obtained from the cli command above.

Add them to the wrangler.toml file. Particularly the database name and the id.

Make sure to also update any reference of my-database with your new db name.

You'll also need to add your cloudflare account id, database id and d1 token to your .env file.


These can all be found in your cloudflare dashboard.

Make sure your D1 token has D1:Read, D1:Edit permissions.


In order for the CI workflows to run there's a couple of things you'll need to setup in GitHub.

You'll need to add the following to the repository secrets.


Your CLOUDFLARE_PAGES_API_TOKEN should be created in your CF account:

And this should have at least Workers Builds Configuration:Read, Cloudflare Pages:Read permissions.

You'll also need to generate a GitHub access token with Deployments set to write.


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with pnpm install, start a development server:

Bootstrap local db

Before starting any work you'll need to bootstrap the D1 database locally.

pnpm db:generate
pnpm dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm dev -- --open

Creating and applying migrations

In this project we're using Drizzle as our ORM.

To create a migration:

pnpm db:generate

Apply that migration to the local db

pnpm db:migrate


Because D1 requires serverless bindings to interact with Drizzle we have an api route to seed our data /api/seed.

This is only available when the development environment.

We can seed our local db from this route by running

pnpm db:seed:local


To create a production version of your app:

pnpm build

You can preview the production build with pnpm preview.


Deploy the database by running

pnpm deploy:db

Deploy pages by running

pnpm deploy:pages

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