lineChartSvelte Svelte Themes


An interactive line chart built using Svelte and D3

Building a line chart using Svelte and D3

This repository refers to an article published on Medium where I explain how to build an interactive line chart using Svelte and D3. To use these files, just install a Svelte project on your computer and replace the files in the src folder with mine, install D3 and run everything. A working preview of the chart can be found here.

The line chart accepts five props:

  • chartWidth - number: the width of the chart
  • chartHeight - number: the height of the chart
  • data - array of Objects: a json array where each element is an entry of the dataset
  • xVar - string: the column to use as x variable
  • yVars - array of string: the column(s) to use as y variable

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