SvelteKit static build query issues

This is reproduction repository. I can't get correct queries if I build with @sveltejs/adapter-static.

procedure for reproducing

create project

npm init svelte@next sveltekit-static-query
cd sveltekit-static-query
pnpm i @sveltejs/adapter-static@next sirv-cli
# and edit src/routes/*.svelte files


# pnpm dev # -> WORKS FINE
# pnpm build && pnpm preview # -> WORKS FINE
pnpm build && pnpm start # -> Does not work properly
  1. Start server with pnpm build && pnpm start
  2. Access to http://localhost:3000
  3. Click ./?key=value (Maybe works properly like fig1 below)
  4. RELOAD!! And disappear query value (Does not work properly like fig2 below)

fig1 fig2

Other links are simple demos.

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