
Svelte Action Templates

DER SPIEGEL templates for Svelte actions


DER SPIEGEL templates for Svelte actions



Set CSS variables from List (Object) on an element. Useful handling a bunch of values.

<div use:cssVars={{color: "red"}}> results in <div style="--color: red">


Observe intersection of an element with the viewport. Individual options possible for each element. With uniform options, only one instance of the IntersectionObserver object is created.

Params: callback (required), rootMargin (optional, default: "0px"), thresholds und root.

<div use:intersectonObserver={{rootMargin: "20px", callback: () => {}}}>


Capture click outside of element. Useful for closing dropdowns or tooltips.

Fires click_outside, event.detail: {clicked: [target of click], not_clicked: node.

<div use:clickOutside on:click_outside={e => console.log(e)}>


Make an HTML element slidable using pointer position. slidable fires the events slidestart, slide and slideend, delivering information about the current pointer position (x, y, dx, dy, left, top). Set new x- or y-position within the event handler. Also control the limitation of the sliding zone here.

let pos = 0;
function handleSlide(e) {
  const newPos = pos + e.detail.dx;
  pos = newPos; = `translateX(${newPos}px)`;
<div use:slidable on:slide={handleSlide}></div>

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