aim-trainer Svelte Themes

Aim Trainer

Five day project, completed to learn Svelte.

Svelte Aim Trainer 🎯

Click Here to play!


I made this project to learn Svelte. The code base over uses svelte features on purpose. In specific places it would have been simpler to utilize vanilla JS features, however, in the spirit of learning I opted for the "Sveltiest" solution.

Game Modes:

  1. Fury: Gain points for each hit, loose points for mis-clicks. Targets appear rapidly for one minute.

  2. Classic: Gain points for each hit, loose points for each miss. If a target disappears before being hit the game ends. No time limit.


  • The app is not fully accessible.
  • The HTML is not incredibly semantic.
  • The app is not mobile friendly as it was designed to be an aim trainer for PC (mouse accuracy).

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