

This is an SPA starter using Vite Ruby(include Ruby on Rails 7) with Svelte.

Technical information



Ruby 3.0.0 is used on this repo


Rails 7.0.0 is used on this repo


Javascript Framework

Svelte 4.2.0 is used on this repo

CSS Framework


Clone the repo to your local machine

You can clone this repo by Github using command line prompt:

git clone https://github.com/southparkstan123/rails-svelte-starter.git

After cloning the repo, install the dependencies for frontend and backend by following command:

yarn install && bundle install

Environment variables

You can add the .env files to store the configuration value for different environments , the example file is in .env.template, just copy this file for specific environment.

For example, in development, create .env.development.local, then input the key and value on it.

In addition, you can add the test configurations for your local machine by copy .env.template, then create and modify as .env.test.local

Database (Optional)

Important You have to ensure that MySQL and Redis driver is installed in your local machine.

If you not require the username and password for your database, just comment out the username and password field on config/database.yml

You can create the database and migration by following command:

rails db:create && rails db:migrate

If you want to seeding of a database with data by following command:

rails db:seed

Run the test cases





Fix Lint and Type errors


Start up the server

Run rails s -b and access http://<YOUR_HOST_NAME_IN_ENV_FILE>:3000 on Web browser.

Remark: Edit your hosts file for your host name

If you want to enable HMR, run foreman s -f Procfile.dev

Happy Coding!!!!!

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