loremipsum-svelte Svelte Themes

Loremipsum Svelte

lörem ipsum

Lörem Ipsum - generated faux Swedish for the masses!

Small svelte app for showcasing the npm package loerem.


npm install loerem

import lörem from "loerem";


Comes with a multitude of options:

  • Number of paragraphs generated
  • Sentences per paragraph
  • Max sentence length
  • Minimum sentence length
  • Amount of new Swedish words
  • Amount of faux academic neologisms
  • Amount of names (based on 100 most common Swedish first names/surnames)
  • Amount of digital marketing buzzwords
  • Option to add a punchline ending random paragraphs
  • Format as headline
  • Generate names only
  • Option to begin with "Lörem ipsum..."

Takes a settings object wih these properties (all optional):

    numberOfParagraphs = 1,
    sentencesPerParagraph = 10,
    maxSentenceLength = 10,
    minSentenceLength = 1,
    isHeadline = false,
    isName = false,
    nyordFrequency = .1,
    neologismerFrequency = .05,
    namnFrequency = 0,
    buzzFrequency = 0,
    useLörem = true,
    punchline = 'Du kan vara drabbad.',
    wrapInDiv = false,
    paragraphStartWrap = '<p>',
    paragraphEndWrap = '</p>',
    alwaysWrapParagraph = false

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