This project is not being maintained anymore. Feel free to download the latest release and try it out.
The status of this repo will be updated if I get the chance to work on the project again.
Introducing WhazzApp
- Multiple Instances of WhatsApp Web
- Add Multiple Accounts and Users :family:
- Start a chat with any number registered to WhatsApp
- Select Country Code > Type in a registered number > Start chatting :rocket:
- Easy :+1:
- Quick Replies
- When typing long messages over and over again is time consuming :clock3:
- Create your own Quick Replies with our intuitive Quick Reply Creator :pencil2:
- Set Hotkeys for each Quick Reply for easy access :keyboard:
- See more at the Quick Replies Section
Screenshots :camera:
WhazzApp is an Electron based dektop app, using Svelte as it's framework.
TL;DR WhatsApp Web is loaded using Electron's Webview Tag, and the rest of the functions are built around that. Great for businesses that use WhatsApp as a way to communicate with customers.
Features :star:
Design & UI
- Simplistic and easy to navigate Menu System
- Carefully designed to fit naturally with WhatsApp Web
- Fully supports WhatsApp Web's Dark/Light theme
Keyboard Shortcuts (More will be added as needed)
- Press
to open the Main Menu
- Press
to refresh WhatsApp Web
Accounts and Users
- Open the Main Menu and click on the green User Icon to switch to another account or create a new one
- To create an Account, click on
Add Account
- Duplicate Account Names aren't allowed, for obvious reasons
- An UNLIMTED amount of Users can be added to an account
- If you don't need any users added to an Account, uncheck
Add users to this account
- To switch to a different User, open the Main Menu, and click on
found at the very top to open a dropdown list of available users
- To log out of an Account, open the Main Menu, and click on
found at the very top
Number Search & Country Codes
One of the best features of WhazzApp is the ability to open a chat with any number registered to WhatsApp. WhazzApp uses the WhatsApp API
for this.
- After opening the Main Menu, users will find an input block to enter a number
- Clicking on the Country Code will open a submenu containing a list of 242 Country Codes to choose from
- Choose the Country Code associated with the number
- Numbers can be entered with or without the leading Country Code. Numbers starting with
will automatically be corrected with a leading Country Code
Quick Replies
- Open the Main Menu and click on Quick Replies to see a list of created Quick Replies
- Clicking on a Quick Reply will copy it's text to the clipboard
- To create a Quick Reply, click on
Add Quick Reply
- Duplicate Quick Reply Names aren't allowed, for obvious reasons
- Setting a Hotkey:
- Users can set a Hotkey when creating a Quick Reply using any of the following combinations for a total of 40 different Hotkeys
- Use
- # = any number from
Quick Reply Dynamic Variables
Quick Replies supports the use of variables which will be replaced with a value when clicking on a Quick Reply or using it's Hotkey
- {userName}
- Replaced with the active User Name
- {dateTime12h}
- Medium lenght date with 12-hour time
- Outputs
Mon, 1 Jan 2022, 10:08 pm
- {dateTime24h}
- Medium lenght date with 24-hour time
- Outputs
Mon, 1 Jan 2022, 22:08
- {dateLong}
- Long date only
- Outputs
Monday, 1 January 2022
- {dateMed}
- Medium lenght date only
- Outputs
Mon, 1 Jan 2022
- {dateShort}
- Short date only
- Outputs
- {time12h}
- {time24h}
Windows Settings
- Start with Windows (toggle)
- WhazzApp will launch upon Windows start-up
- Start minimized (toggle)
- WhazzApp will launch minimized to the System Tray
- Minimize to System Tray (toggle)
- Clicking
will minimize WhazzApp to the System Tray
Auto Update Settings
- Enable Auto Updates (toggle)
- Enabled: WhazzApp will check for updates automatically
- Disabled: Users will have to check for updates manually
- Update frequency (dropdown)
- WhazzApp will regularly check for updates based on the frequency chosen
- Choose from 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
- This setting will be disabled when Enable Auto Updates is disabled
- Auto download updates (toggle)
- Enabled: Updates will be downloaded automatically
- Disabled: Users will be promted to download updates manually
When Auto download updates is disabled, users can manually check for updates using Check for updates
in the Main Menu.
Auto Update notifications will prompt users to download updates (only when Auto download updates is disabled), and restart WhazzApp when an update is ready to be installed.
- Allow pre-releases (toggle)
- WhazzApp will check for pre-release updates
- Not recommended
WhazzApp will always remain free to download and use.
WhazzApp does not alter the function of WhatsApp, nor the services provided.
WhazzApp uses the following npm packages and thanks each developer for their work:
Please feel free to report issues/bugs regarding WhazzApp by clicking here and creating a new issue.