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Redo of my react-pokedex project.

Simple dropdown-based Pokedex built on the Svelte framework that pulls data from the PokeAPI using its GraphQL interface.

Styled using TailwindCSS.

Scaffolded with SvelteKit.


TypeScript   Svelte   GraphQL   TailwindCSS   Jest   Svelte Testing Library


/ (homepage)

Displays a dropdown of first 20 Generation 1 Pokemon.

Select a Pokemon and click "Add to List" and it'll show up in the list on the right.

Click a Pokemon in your seen list to see more details on it; the app will open a new tab on the /pokemon/:name route.

homepage screenshot


Pulls the data for the Pokemon given by the :name parameter from PokeAPI, and renders the information in the style of a Pokemon card.

pokemon route screenshot

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