tailwind-rounded-out Svelte Themes

Tailwind Rounded Out

Tailwind CSS plugin for outer-rounded corners with background inheritance

Tailwind Rounded Out

A Tailwind CSS plugin that adds "outside" rounded corners to elements

Similar to folder tabs or protruding cards. The plugin maintains background color/image inheritance while providing a wide range of customization options.

Demo of the plugin


  • Maintains background inheritance (colors, gradients, images)
  • Supports all corners and sides independently
  • Works with Tailwind's default radius sizes
  • Supports arbitrary values
  • Zero dependencies besides Tailwind CSS


npm install tailwind-rounded-out


Add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js:

module.exports = {
  content: [
    // ...
  theme: {
    // Optionally customize default sizes
    roundedOut: {
      sm: "0.125rem",
      // ... other sizes
  plugins: [require("tailwind-rounded-out")],

note: if you don't supply custom sizes, the plugin will use the same values from either the theme.borderRadius or the default theme sizes <

Basic Usage

<!-- All corners -->
<div class="rounded-out-lg">Basic card with large outer corners</div>

<!-- Specific sides -->
<div class="rounded-out-b-xl">Bottom corners only</div>

<!-- Individual corners -->
<div class="rounded-out-bl-2xl">Just bottom-left corner</div>

<!-- Mixed sizes -->
<div class="rounded-out-bl-xl rounded-out-br-sm">
  Different sizes for bottom-left and bottom-right

<!-- Arbitrary values -->
<div class="rounded-out-[25px]">Custom radius size</div>

Available Classes

Full Rounding

  • rounded-out-{size}
    • Sizes: sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl

Directional Variants

  • rounded-out-{t|b|l|r}-{size} - Top, Bottom, Left, Right
  • rounded-out-{tl|tr|bl|br}-{size} - Top-Left, Top-Right, etc.
  • rounded-out-{lt|lb|rt|rb}-{size} - Left-Top, Left-Bottom, etc.

Arbitrary Values

  • rounded-out-[size]
  • rounded-out-{direction}-[size]

How It Works

This plugin uses CSS ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to create the rounded corner effect with a CSS Mask, and so it can let the real background show through. The pseudo-elements are positioned absolutely and use CSS masks to create the rounded shape so there's no need for a fake background color.

Important Notes

  1. Pseudo-element Usage: Because this plugin uses ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, you cannot apply additional ::before or ::after styles to elements using these classes.

  2. Position Context: Elements using these classes should have position: relative or any other position that creates a containing block.

  3. Background Inheritance: The rounded corners will automatically inherit background colors, images, and gradients from the parent element.


Tab-like Navigation

<nav class="flex gap-px text-slate-600">
  <a class="relative rounded-out-b-xl bg-blue-300 px-4 py-2 rounded-t-xl">
    Inactive Tab
    class="relative rounded-out-b-xl bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2 rounded-t-xl z-10 text-slate-200"
    Active Tab


Card with mixed corners

Card with Mixed Corners

  class="relative rounded-out-tl-xl rounded-out-br-xl bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-500 to-purple-500 p-6 rounded-tr-xl rounded-bl-xl before:bg-blue-500 before:bg-none after:bg-purple-500 after:bg-none"
  Card with diagonal corners


Card with mixed corners


Common Issues

  1. Backgrounds Not Showing

    • Ensure the parent element has a background color/image set
    • The element this is applied to needs to have position: relative or any other position that creates a containing block
  2. Conflicts with Other Styles

    • Remove any ::before or ::after pseudo-elements on the same element
    • Check z-index values if elements appear in wrong order
  3. Overflow notes

    • The corners are outside of the bounding box
    • Setting an overflow hidden will prevent the pseudo-elements from showing


MIT License - See LICENSE file for details

More Examples

Backgrounds are able to show through, no fake backgrounds.

Demo of the plugin

A range of corner variations

Demo of the plugin

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