solana-svelte-counter Svelte Themes

Solana Svelte Counter

Demo for the Svelte wallet adapter built in Svelte and Anchor


Anchor/SvelteKit application to demo the Svelte wallet adapter. The Anchor application lives in the root folder. In the app folder you can find the SvelteKit application.

Anchor Setup

You need to have Cargo and Rust installed to build the contract. First of all, clone the repo and run yarn install to add all the dependencies to the Anchor application. Make sure that you have Solana locally in localhost and change all the devnet references to localhost. Once that is done, to build and deploy locally the project run the next command:

anchor localnet

This command is going to generate the idl json file responsible to communicate with the rpc from Solana.

Frontend setup

Frontend is build with SvelteKit. To run it on localhost:3000

cd app
npm install
npm run dev

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