
Svelte Manzai

manzai editor and presenter made with svelte


A markup language for narratives

Basic syntax


To create a narrative, add a name in front of a sentence, split with a colon and a space : .

Socrates: All men are mortal

You can add a slash / in front of the name, representing that the narrator is subjective.

/Plato: Socrates is a man

You can add a back slash \ in front of the name, representing that the narrator is objective.

\Socrates: Therefore, Socrates is mortal

Without a name, the sentence represents that it is directive.

Socrates died by drinking poison hemlock.


You can represent a media by wrapping link text in brackets [ ],


You can represent a media in a narrative.

Plato: []

You can add a YAML front matter block, which must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines.

title: Syllogismus
description: An example featuring Socrates and Plato


In a header, you can assign avatars and other properties in narrators collection with each name as a key.

  - name: Socrates
    type: 2
    avatar: []

Type number represents whether the narrator is subjective, objective or descriptive.

  • 0: descriptive.
  • 1: subjective
  • 2: objective

If you represent a type explicitly in a line with / or \, types assigned to narrators in a header are overwritten.

Parsed result

A parsed result is consisted of header and contents.

contents is a collection of content.


A header contains properties which is declared in a YAML front matter block.


Each content in contents has properties as below:

property type
name string
type number
avatar string
message string
media string


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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