RecordApps Svelte Themes


A desktop application that allows you to record audio from specific applications on Linux. Built with Deno, Svelte, and WebView.

Record Apps

A desktop application that allows you to record audio from specific applications on Linux. Built with Deno, Svelte, and WebView.

Download on Flathub


  • List running applications with audio output
  • Record audio from specific applications
  • Record audio from different outputs of a specific applications
  • Save recordings automatically to your Music directory


  • Linux operating system
  • PulseAudio/PipeWire audio system
  • Deno runtime installed
  • pactl command-line utility


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd record
  2. Build the application:

    deno task compile

This will create an executable named record in the project root directory.

  1. Run the application:

Project Structure

├── lib.ts              # Core audio functionality
├── gui/                # Frontend Svelte application
│   ├── src/           # Source files
│   ├── public/        # Static assets
│   └── server.ts      # Backend server
├── scripts/           # Application startup scripts
│   ├── front-server.ts
│   ├── server.ts
│   ├── start.ts
│   └── webview.ts
└── deno.json         # Project configuration

How It Works

  1. The application creates virtual audio sinks for each application being recorded
  2. Audio is redirected from the original application to its dedicated virtual sink
  3. The virtual sink's audio is recorded to a FLAC file
  4. Recordings are saved in ~/Music/RecordApps/<app-name>/ with timestamp-based filenames



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