Thread Library for Svelte

This library provides utilities for using css-in-js in Svelte by preprocessing the components and converting to inline styles. This is the basis for a design system that allows for custom styling attributes and element transformations that can be built on top of this library and allow js/typescript to be used for styling to ensure type safety and consistency.


  • Provide a preprocessor that integrates easily with Svelte, transforming your components at build time.
  • Traverse Svelte AST nodes and modify elements based on specified attributes.
  • Convert camelCase properties to kebab-case inline styles.


To use this library in your project, simply import the functions you need. Ensure that you have installed the necessary dependencies, including svelte/compiler and magic-string.



The threadPreprocessor function creates a Svelte preprocessor group that can be used in your Svelte configuration.

export function threadPreprocessor(opts: Options): PreprocessorGroup;

To use it, import it and use it in your svelte.config.js file to apply transformations to your components.

import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";
import { threadPreprocessor } from "@shopkeep/thread";

const config = {
  preprocess: [
      attributeName: "cs",
      elementNames: ["Box", "Flexbox"],
      fileIdentifier: "thread",
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter(),


The Options allows you to configure how the library processes components:

export type Options = {
  fileIdentifier?: string;
  attributeName: string;
  elementNames: string[];
  • fileIdentifier: Optional identifier used to filter files for processing (e.g. only apply to .thread.svelte files).
  • attributeName: Name of the attribute that will be used for converting custom styles (e.g., cs).
  • elementNames: List of element names to target for transformation (e.g., Flexbox, Box).

Development Notes

  • TODOs: The current implementation has several TODO comments for adding features like design system-specific value conversions and improving type handling.
  • MagicString: This library uses magic-string to simplify AST modifications while keeping track of offsets.


Feel free to contribute by creating pull requests or reporting issues. Improvements to type handling are especially welcome!


This library is licensed under the MIT License.

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