rhetorician Svelte Themes


Svelte UI components for speech recognition and text to speech in the browser wrapping the Web Speech API


Rhetorician is a svelte wrapper around the experimental Web Speech API. It provides UI components for speech recognition and text to speech.


Install rhetorician from NPM

yarn add rhetorician

Import the CSS into your project

import "rhetorician/bundle.css"

Import the components into your project.

import { SpeechRecognition, TextToSpeech } from "rhetorician"
let transcript
<SpeechRecognition bind:transcript />
<textarea bind:value={transcript} />
<TextToSpeech {transcript} /> 

Local Dev & Contributing

To develop rhetorician locally:

Install the dependencies...

cd rhetorician

...then start Rollup

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You will see the example application and can play around with it by recording speech and playing it back using the 2 components rhetorician provides.

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