Shiv's RPS

A full stack RPS game build in FastAPI and svelte. If you do not know what RPS is, RPS stands for rock, paper, scissors. The reason it is full stack is that I plan on adding more functionality such as users, leaderboards, multiplayer and so on, these changes will need, you guessed it... A backend!

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First install Python and Node, then enter into your terminal/cmd and follow the instructions.


Enter into the backend/ folder and run the following commands:

python3 -m venv .venv

This will create a virtual environment to then use to install the dependencies, to activate the virtual environment run the following commands based on your OS: On Windows, run:


On Unix or MacOS, run:

source .venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies (only FastAPI):

pip install fastapi[standard]

Then run the backend app:

fastapi dev


Enter into the frontend/ folder and follow the instructions. To install all of NPM's dependencies run the following command:

npm i

Then simply run the frontend server with the last command:

npm run dev

If you want to build the frontend into plain HTML, CSS and JS run this command:

npm run build

This command should build the Svelte code into a dist/ folder.

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