

go language and svelte project


Assignment: E-commerce Platform Development Overview: Develop a simplified e-commerce platform where users can browse products, add them to a cart, and proceed to checkout. The platform should feature product management, user authentication, cart functionality, and order processing. Backend (Golang): API Design:

Design RESTful APIs to handle CRUD operations for products, users, carts, and orders. Implement authentication and authorization. Use JWT for managing user sessions. Ensure all API responses are returned in a consistent and RESTful manner. Database Integration:

Choose an appropriate SQL or NoSQL database to store user data, product information, cart data, and orders. Design the database schema and implement migrations. Business Logic:

Product Management: Include functionality to add, update, delete, and list products. Products should have fields like name, description, price, and stock quantity. Cart Management: Implement logic to add items to a cart, update item quantity, remove items, and clear the cart. Order Processing: Create a workflow for converting a cart into an order. Include basic order management like viewing past orders. Security:

Implement secure endpoints. Ensure that passwords are hashed before storage. Validate all incoming data to prevent SQL injection and other common security threats. Bonus Challenges:

Integrate a third-party payment gateway (e.g., Stripe, PayPal) for processing payments. Implement simple product search and filtering capabilities. Frontend (Svelte): User Interface:

Create a clean and responsive design for the platform. Implement pages for product listing, product details, user registration/login, cart, and checkout process. State Management:

Manage application state effectively, handling user sessions, cart data, and alert messages (e.g., for errors or confirmations). API Integration:

Integrate the frontend with the backend APIs. Display products, manage user authentication, handle cart operations, and submit orders. Dynamic Interactions:

Ensure the product listings and cart contents update dynamically as users interact with the platform. Implement form validations for user input (e.g., during registration, login, and checkout). Bonus Challenges:

Add client-side routing to create a single-page application (SPA) experience. Implement progressive web app (PWA) features for offline capabilities and a mobile-friendly experience. Deliverables: Source code for both the backend and frontend, including any database schema migrations and seed data for testing. Documentation covering: API endpoints and their usage. Instructions for setting up the development environment, running the application, and deploying it. Any assumptions made and decisions taken during development. Evaluation Criteria: Functionality: The application should meet all the basic requirements, with bonus features considered for extra credit. Code Quality: The code should be clean, well-organized, and properly commented. Design and UX: The frontend should be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and a responsive design. Security and Best Practices: The application should follow security best practices, especially in handling user data and interactions with the backend. Documentation: The provided documentation should be clear and comprehensive, enabling easy setup and understanding of the application. This assignment is designed to mimic the challenges faced in real-world full-stack development, providing a holistic view of the candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail.

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