
Svelte Next

Automates updating Svelte versions (specifically targeting next versions) in project directories.


Automate Svelte Version Updates

This script automates updating Svelte versions (specifically targeting next versions) in project directories.


  • Updates Svelte to the specified version (defaults to "next").
  • Runs pnpm update, pnpm test:integration, and optionally git add, commit, and push.
  • Displays colored messages for informative progress.
  • Supports providing the target directory as a command-line argument.


  • pnpm package manager
  • git
  • jq


Install awesome package manager

curl -s | bash -s install

Add the following to your terminal config file, such as .zshrc or .bashrc.

export PATH=$HOME/.local/share/bin:$PATH

Then source the config file or open a new terminal tab.

# for example
. ~/.zshrc

Install svelte-next:

awesome install shinokada/svelte-next


# Install the latest and run pnpm update, 
# pnpm test:integration and git add, commit, and push 
# if it is a git repo in subdirectories of the CURRENT directory.
svelte-next update .

# run the script in the ./Runes directory
svelte-next update ./Runes

# Use -v param to install a certain Svelte next version.
svelte-next update -v 120 .

# Use -p flag to NOT to run pnpm update:
svelte-next update -p .

# Use -s flag to NOT to run updating svelte:
svelte-next update -s .

# Use -g flag to NOT to run git add, commit, and push:
svelte-next update -g .

# Use -t flag to NOT to run pnpm test:integration:
svelte-next update -t .

# Use -f <number> for starting index of subdirectory:
svelte-next update -f 3

# Combine the flags
svelte-next update -pg .
svelte-next update -pst .

# To display version: 
svelte-next --version

# To display help:
svelte-next -h | --help

Optional Flags:

-h or --help: Displays help message.
-s: Skip running updating svelte.
-p: Skip running pnpm update.
-t: Skip running pnpm test:integration.
-g: Skip running git commands.
-f: Use -f for starting index of subdirectory


  • The script assumes the target directory structure contains project subdirectories where Svelte is installed.
  • Ensure you have proper permissions to modify files and run git commands in the target directories.

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