
Spotify Profile

A web app for vizualizing personalized data from spotify build with svelte,fastify and the spotify api

Spotify profile App

A web app for vizualizing personalized data from spotify. live version

A Fully responsive web app Build with:


  • Your most favorite artists of all time.
  • Your most listened tracks
  • What constitutes your favorite songs (is it danceable, happy/sad and more).
  • Your playlist



  • Have a spotify account,heroku account.
  • Register the application in the dashboard,tutorial is there.
  • Download the fastify server .
  • After cloning the project you need to run npm install.

Create a .env file in root directory.

The environment variables must have :

VITE_API_BASE_URL= base url of the api e.g.,

VITE_API_SERVER_URL= base url of the heroku server e.g.,


Launch dev server

npm run dev

or test production code.

npm run build && npm run serve

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